Guest Book
Name: John Egler Date: 11/25/2006 Message: Keep an eye on Billy Gilman. He's on His way~~ Again. Step aside and listen to His music. Name: Raven Braud Date: 11/21/2006 Message: Great station!! you really rock. Any station that plays The Outlaw Kid aka Tyler Dickerson is #1 with me and all my friends! Keep on rockin country style and keep on playing Tyler's music!!!! Name: Jonathon Date: 10/20/2006 Message: Fhr radio surely rocks. They play great music and their special shows are awesome. Name: AMY Date: 10/06/2006 Message: Love jordyn shellhart, won't be long till we hear her on all stations. thank you for playing her songs. Name: Jeremy Date: 10/01/2006 Message: I heard jordyn shellhart sing was so amazed at her voice Please have her sing crazy for me Name: Tammy Date: 09/29/2006 Message: Aaron Kelly and Jordyn Shellhart are awesome. Thanks so much for bringing that interview. Also, that gentlemen Aaron Decker, his interview trully brough a tear to my eye and I wish him well in everything he does. Thanks everyone. Name: Suzie Date: 09/29/2006 Message: I am so amazed at the talent of Jordyn Shellhart, We thank you for playing her music, please play Crazy for me. Name: Helen Bremer Date: 09/29/2006 Message: Jordyn Shellhart has a voice of an angel amazing she hasn't got a contract by now. She is a little Leann rhimes. We love her very much. Name: Johnson Date: 09/29/2006 Message: This radio station rocks country style. Thanks for all you do. Name: The Shellharts Date: 09/26/2006 Message: We wanted to thank FHR Radio and specifically, Jeremy, for taking the time to come to the Roanoke Ranch benefit in Michigan to meet and interview Jordyn and Aaron Kelly. What Aaron Decker is doing on his ranch is wonderful and having FHR Radio help get the word out will be helpful to him. It was a wonderful event and we were proud to share it with Jeremy. We look forward to staying in touch with you all. |